The ukiyo-e art series "GeGeGe Ukiyo-e," capturing the essence of the popular anime series "GeGeGe no Kitaro," has released its latest artwork, "GeGeGe Ukiyo-e: Neko Musume Bake Neko Henge."
Previous works include "Yokai Hyaku Monogatari: Sarayashiki Seifu Kojin" and "Yokai Hyaku Monogatari: Kohada Koheiji Chikihouyou." The new release, "GeGeGe Ukiyo-e: Neko Musume Bake Neko Henge," is inspired by the legendary bake-neko artwork "Kin no Miya Kai Neko Henge."
The mysterious and slightly eerie world of "GeGeGe no Kitaro" is perfectly captured in ukiyo-e style.
This piece showcases the alluring and charming Neko Musume from the anime's sixth season, portrayed as an enchanting bake-neko, with a cat-like posture and a tongue-out expression, reminiscent of a cat licking oil from a lamp.
The kimono pattern incorporates Kitaro’s signature chanchanko design and an umbrella motif resembling an eyeball.
The dancing cats and Medama-Oyaji, performing the popular song and folk tune "Neko ja Neko ja," create an eerie yet delightful atmosphere.
"GeGeGe Ukiyo-e: Neko Musume Bake Neko Henge" is available for purchase online starting July 12, 2024, in a limited first edition of 100 prints, priced at 30,000 yen (excluding tax).
ゲゲゲ浮世絵「ねこ娘ばけねこへんげ」とは - Japaaan
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