Akazome Emon
Akazome Emon (circa 956 - after 1041) was a prominent female poet in the mid-Heian period. She was the daughter of Akazome Tokiyou, the Governor of Osumi.
She is recognized as one of the Thirty-Six Immortal Poets and the Thirty-Six Female Immortal Poets.
Akazome Emon is believed to be the daughter of Akazome Tokiyou. However, "Fukuro Zoshi" indicates that her mother remarried Tokiyou while pregnant with a child from her previous marriage to Taira no Kanemori, and subsequently gave birth to Akazome Emon. Subsequently, Taira no Kanemori filed a lawsuit for custody of his daughter, but he lost the case.
Between 976 and 978, Akazome Emon married Oe no Masahira, a renowned scholar of Chinese literature. Known for their harmonious relationship, they were often referred to as "Masahira Emon." They had children, including Oe no Yoshimasa and E no Jiju. It is also believed that she had a daughter with Fujiwara no Norimichi.
Akazome Emon served at the residence of Minamoto no Masanobu and later attended to Fujiwara no Michinaga's wife, Rinshi, and their daughter, Shoshi.
She formed close relationships with other prominent female poets, including Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu, Sei Shonagon, and Ise no Taifu.
She accompanied her husband to his post in Owari Province, providing steadfast support. Furthermore, she worked tirelessly to secure her son Yoshimasa’s appointment as the Governor of Izumi, and dedicated a poem to the deity of Sumiyoshi Shrine, leading to his recovery from illness.
After her husband's passing in 1012, she devoted herself to religious activities and raising her children.
In 1035, she participated in a poetry contest organized by Fujiwara no Yorimichi.
In 1041, she composed a congratulatory poem for the birth of her great-grandchild, after which she vanished from historical records. In her later years, she compiled and presented her own poetry anthology upon the request of Fujiwara no Yorimichi.
Poetry Style
Akazome Emon's poetry, which appears in 93 imperial anthologies starting with the "Shui Wakashu," faithfully follows the style of the "Kokin Wakashu," showcasing an intelligent and graceful manner.
She is celebrated alongside Izumi Shikibu as one of the leading female poets of the mid-Heian period. While Izumi Shikibu was rated higher by some contemporaries, such as in "Shunyo Zuinou," others, like Kamo no Chomei in "Mumyosho," rated Akazome Emon more highly.
Literary Works
"Eiga Monogatari" - She is considered a likely author.
"Akazome Emon Shu" - Her poetry collection.
Selected Poems
Ogura Hyakunin Isshu
Poem No. 59:
"Had I not lingered,
But fallen asleep at once,
I should not have seen
The moon, so clear and bright,
Through the rifted sky."
(From "Goshui Wakashu," Love 680)
Related to the following tale:
"A life I prayed
To exchange for my child's
Without regret,
Yet it would be so sad
To part even then."
(From "Shika Wakashu," Miscellaneous 362)
When her son, Oe no Yoshimasa, fell gravely ill, it was believed that his illness was caused by a curse from the Sumiyoshi Shrine. Akazome Emon dedicated a poem to the shrine, fervently praying for his recovery. Her prayers were answered, and Yoshimasa's illness was cured.
『やすらはで寝なましものを 小夜ふけて かたふく迄の月を見しかな』(月岡芳年『月百姿』)
Related Works
Film "Murasaki Shikibu" (1939, actress: Kumoi Yaeko)
NHK Taiga Drama "Hikaru Kimi e" (2024, actress: Oozora Kaname)
Hideaki Oketani, "Konjaku Shuuka Hyakusen," Non-commercial publication, Non-Profit Organization Mojibunka Association, 2012, ISBN 978-49905312-25
External Links
Akazome Emon Shu (Nihon Bunkyo Database)
Konjaku Shuuka Hyakusen - Researcher Site
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