

日本のダム1 [Dams in Japan]

Dams in Japan

This article discusses the construction, management, and operation of dams in Japan, focusing primarily on those intended for flood control and water utilization. (For a list of individual dams, see [List of Dams in Japan].)







Legal Definition

In Japan, the definition of dams is based on the River Law and the River Management Facilities Structure Order:


・River Law (1964): Defines dams for storing or intaking river water, with a height of 15 meters or more.

・River Management Facilities Structure Order (1976): Specifies technical standards for dams used for flood control and other major river management structures.


Globally, the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) defines dams as structures 5 meters or taller or with a storage capacity of 3 million cubic meters or more. Within this, dams 15 meters or taller are categorized as high dams, and those shorter than 15 meters as low dams.


Exclusion Criteria

Not all structures referred to as "dams" fall under these definitions.

For example, sabo dams (designed to prevent and control sediment outflow) and tailings dams (used for waste disposal) are excluded.

These structures are governed by different laws and regulations due to their distinct purposes.



Dams in Japan serve various purposes, primarily categorized into flood control and water utilization.

They include functions such as flood regulation, agricultural water supply, municipal water supply, industrial water supply, hydroelectric power generation, snowmelt water management, and recreational use. Some dams are designed for single purposes, while others, known as multipurpose dams, integrate multiple functions.

Key entities involved in dam planning, construction, and management include:


・Government agencies (e.g., Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries)

・Local governments

・Electric power companies

・Private companies


Related Laws and Regulations

Several laws govern dam-related activities in Japan:


・River Law (1964): Establishes standards for dams primarily aimed at water utilization and sets forth responsibilities for management and flood control.

・River Management Facilities Structure Order (1976): Details technical standards for flood control dams and other significant river management structures.

・Special Multipurpose Dam Law (1957): Regulates the construction and management of multipurpose dams managed by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.

・Water Resources Agency Law (1962): Governs the construction and management of multipurpose dams under the Water Resources Agency.

・Land Improvement Law (1949): Covers dams aimed at irrigation and related land improvement projects.

・Special Measures Law for Water Source Areas (1973): Regulates development and compensation in areas affected by dam construction.

・Three Electric Power Laws (1974): Govern regional development and community compensation around hydroelectric power dams.

・Comprehensive National Development Law (1950): Now known as the National Land Formation Plan Law, it promotes large-scale development projects centered on dams.

・Electric Power Development Promotion Law (1952): Originally supported large-scale electric power development and was later abolished.

・Special Measures Law for Comprehensive Lake Development (1972): Promotes projects focused on flood control and water utilization in lake areas.

・Special Measures Law for Okinawa Development (1971): Provides specific regulations for dam management in Okinawa.

・Special Measures Law for Lake Water Quality Conservation (1984): Aims to prevent water pollution in designated lakes, including artificial lakes.

・Land Expropriation Law (1951): Provides the legal basis for land acquisition for dam construction.

・Environmental Impact Assessment Law (1997): Requires environmental impact assessments for dam projects with an inundation area of 100 hectares or more.


These laws and regulations ensure that dam projects are planned, constructed, and managed in a manner that considers various stakeholders and minimizes environmental impact.






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