

Translation and Further Revision

Translation and Further Revision


When is Doyo no Ushi no Hi in 2024?

Discover the Origins and Essential Knowledge About Eating Eel!


Eating eel on the "Day of the Ox in Doyo" during summer has become a familiar tradition.

But do you know why we eat eel on this day?

When did this custom start?

This article explains the origins of "Doyo no Ushi no Hi," essential knowledge about eating eel, the relationship between Doyo no Ushi no Hi and eel, and how to spend the Doyo period.


When is Doyo no Ushi no Hi in 2024?

In 2024 (Reiwa 6), Doyo no Ushi no Hi will occur on the following dates. It's not just a summer event!


Winter: January 26 (Friday)

Spring: April 16 (Tuesday), April 28 (Sunday)

Summer: July 24 (Wednesday), August 5 (Monday)

Autumn: October 31 (Thursday)


When there are two Days of the Ox within a Doyo period, they are called "Ichinoushi" and "Ninoushi."




What is Doyo?


Doyo is an abbreviation of "Doo Youji," meaning "the work of the earth is busy."

It refers to the 18 days before the beginning of spring (around February 4), summer (around May 5), autumn (around August 7), and winter (around November 7).

Although often thought of as a summer-only event, Doyo actually occurs four times a year, once in each season.


The Origins of Doyo in the Yin-Yang Five Elements Theory

The concept of Doyo originates from ancient China.

According to the Yin-Yang Five Elements Theory of the Spring and Autumn period (around 770 BCE), everything is composed of five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

Each season corresponds to one of these elements: spring to wood, summer to fire, autumn to metal, and winter to water.

The element earth was assigned to the transitional periods between seasons, thus creating the Doyo periods.


Taboos Associated with Doyo

During Doyo, it is said that the god Dokujin rules the earth, and activities like digging, gardening, and construction are to be avoided.

However, on "Manichi" days, it is permitted to work the earth, as Dokujin is believed to be away visiting Manjusri Bodhisattva.


These taboos likely emerged because people were more susceptible to illness during these transitional periods. In the days before modern medicine, taking extra care to stay healthy during these times was crucial.


What is Doyo no Ushi no Hi?


Doyo no Ushi no Hi refers to the Day of the Ox that falls within the Doyo period.

In the old calendar, days were counted using the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Just as the Year of the Ox occurs every twelve years, the Day of the Ox recurs every twelve days.

There are several Days of the Ox throughout the year, with the summer Day of the Ox typically falling between July 20 and August 6 (this year it’s July 27, but the date varies annually).


On the summer Day of the Ox, it is customary to eat grilled eel and practice moxibustion.

In winter, there was a tradition of buying "Ushi-beni" (red pigment) to protect women's lips from chapping.


The Story of the Cat and the Juunishi (The Twelve Signs of the Zodiac)

The Juunishi originates from an ancient Chinese tale explaining why there is no cat among the twelve animals.

According to the story, the gods sent a letter to the animals, inviting them to come on New Year's Day, with the first twelve to arrive being chosen for the zodiac.

The cat, having been misinformed by the rat that the gathering was on January 2, missed the event.

This explains the ongoing enmity between cats and rats.


Hiraga Gennai’s Idea for Eating Eel on the Summer Day of the Ox

One theory suggests that the custom of eating eel on the summer Day of the Ox was promoted by Hiraga Gennai, an Edo-period scholar and inventor.

Originally, eel was more popular in autumn and winter due to its rich flavor before spawning.

To boost summer sales, Gennai suggested that eating foods starting with "u" (such as "unagi" or eel) would bring good fortune on the Day of the Ox.

This marketing tactic led to the tradition of eating eel on this day.


Enduring the Harsh Summer Heat with Eel

Thanks to Gennai’s clever marketing, summer eel gained widespread popularity.

Eel was already recognized as a nutritious, stamina-boosting food in Japan, making it a suitable dish for enduring the summer heat.


An Ancient Poem About Eating Eel

In the Manyoshu, an ancient collection of Japanese poetry, there is a poem by Otomo no Yakamochi advising Yoshida no Muraji to eat eel to prevent summer fatigue.

This indicates that even in the Nara period, the benefits of eating eel were well known.


Not Just Eel on the Day of the Ox


On Doyo no Ushi no Hi, it is also customary to eat other foods starting with "u," such as "udon" (noodles), "umeboshi" (pickled plums), and "uri" (gourd). These foods are believed to help fortify the body against the summer heat and the seasonal transition.


Protecting the Endangered Eel

In recent years, eel has faced the threat of extinction. In 2013, the Japanese Ministry of the Environment designated the Japanese eel as an endangered species, followed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2014.

With eel populations and catch volumes drastically declining since the 1970s, the price of eel has tripled over the past 15 years.


Efforts are being made both domestically and internationally to manage eel resources. Japanese companies are working on reducing food waste and promoting eel substitutes.

Advances in aquaculture have also led to successful experiments in raising eels from artificially hatched larvae to adulthood, moving closer to complete artificial breeding.


Eating eel on Doyo no Ushi no Hi is a cherished cultural tradition. It is important to consider the sustainable use of this precious resource to ensure it can be enjoyed by future generations.



Fisheries Agency: "Current Status and Measures Regarding Eel" (May 2019)

Consumer Affairs Agency: "Efforts to Protect Limited Resources and Reduce Food Waste to Preserve Eel"



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