


Was SeishoNagon, who was severely criticized by Murasaki Shikibu, surprisingly modest? This exchange with Fujiwara no Tadanobu [Dear Hikaru-kimi].




What's wrong with that woman? She's a know-it-all who flaunts her false knowledge and pretends to be a conscious person. I hate that type the most. I wish she would just go away!


*This is a forced translation from "Murasaki Shikibu Diary".


...... and, well, I'm sure I don't even know you, but I'm ragging on you.


Why not? I thought, but come to think of it, even modern people sometimes slander celebrities they have never met.


Back to Murasaki Shikibu (Fujiwara no Kako?). She really was a woman of knowledge.

Did she really flaunt her knowledge? Well, she might have done it unconsciously. ......


However, from her correspondence with her lover Tadanobu Fujiwara, it seems that she had a surprisingly reserved side.


The meaning of the message written in charcoal eraser.



Letter from Tadanobu (Image)


One day, the following letter was sent to SeishoNagon by Fujiwara no Tadanobu.



The city is now in full bloom.


This is a passage from Haku Kyoi's collection of poems (Hakushi Monju). Is the answer to this a response to that passage?

Of course SeishoNagon knew the answer.



I was alone one rainy night in a humble hermitage on Mount Lushan.


However, it would not be very artistic to answer the question as it is.


Besides, if I took the trouble to take a brush and write his name (mana, a kanji character as opposed to hiragana) in a beautiful way, someone would not be able to keep quiet about it (kana = kanji (Chinese characters) as opposed to hiragana (Japanese characters)).


So SeishoNagon took the charcoal from the brazier and wrote the following in the margin of a piece of paper sent to her by Saishin.


草の庵を 誰(たれ)かたづねむ

Who would come to such a lonely place?


This is from "Kintoshu", a collection of waka poems by Fujiwara no Kintoh. It is taken from this waka poem.


九重(ここのへ)の 花の都を おきながら



Who would visit a desolate hermitage without visiting the city in full bloom?


This is a poem based on a Chinese poem in "Hakushimonju.


In other words, it is believed that SeishoNagon meant to say.


I am sure there are many wonderful women around you. I hope you won't come to me, because I'm sure there are many wonderful women around you.


Instead of directly stating that he knew the passage from "HAKUSHIMONJU," Seishonen quoted from "KINTOSHU" to indicate his broader range of talents.


He also wrote with a charcoal eraser

My fingers trembled when I thought of you, and I wrote my reply so hastily that it was frustrating to ink it again.

I wrote my reply so hastily that my fingers trembled and it was frustrating to even ink it. Tadanobu must have found it difficult to understand the direction of this brilliant and witty woman.


At the end.



These are some of the episodes where you can sense SeishoNagon's wit.


She seems to take a straightforward approach to everything, but she showed an unexpected reserve ...... and her wit can be smelled here and there.


I don't like it!"


I wonder if this episode will be shown in the NHK historical drama "Hikaru Kimie"?


I look forward to seeing more.






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