

A Sanctuary of Enchanting Beauty and Allure, Woven by Hair

A Sanctuary of Enchanting Beauty and Allure, Woven by Hair


The human body boasts numerous beautiful parts: feet, hands, necks, breasts, and more. However, hair is uniquely distinct. Unlike other parts, hair can be detached without causing any physical harm, which perhaps adds to its mystical appeal.

Hair has been considered a vessel for mystical energies, a center of magic and spiritual power for ages. It stands as both a symbol of aesthetic philosophy and a source of allure. It is at this intersection of beauty and mystery that many enchanting stories have originated.




A Phantom Evoked by a Strand of Hair


『当世女風俗通』「中品の女房」喜多川歌麿Art Institute Chicago


In a rural village, there lived a man whose wife became critically ill after childbirth. As she lay dying, he took a piece of paper from a nearby letter and used it to tie back her feverish, tangled hair. He watched her life fade away and felt as though she vanished into thin air, leaving him with a deep yearning to see her once more. Miraculously, she appeared in his bedroom, as if by magic, seeming to fulfill his silent wish. Though he thought it was a dream, tears fell when he saw her exactly as she had been in life.

The next morning, as the vision of his wife receded, she dropped something. It was the very paper strip he had used to bind her hair. It should have been buried with her, making its presence inexplicable. "This is not merely a tale," Master Sumiken told the gathered crowd, "but a marvel of our recent world."


The Mystery of the Shimmering Hair


『彼の髪を梳く』鈴木春信(The Metropolitan Museum of Art


In the 11th-12th century, Lord Chishokuin harbored a deep desire. Desperate for a sign within seven days, he made an offering to a fox, which ate it fearlessly.

Later, a beautiful woman appeared in Tono's dreams. Her hair extended three feet beyond her robe's hem, and her voice, face, and presence were so unearthly beautiful that he was spellbound. As she withdrew, her hair snapped.

Upon waking, Tono discovered a fox's tail in his hand. After sharing his dream with the monk, he was assured his wish would come true. The fox's tail was safely stored away, cherished as a symbol of this mystical encounter.


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