

Sei Shōnagon

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Sei Shōnagon (清少納言, c. 966–1017 or 1025) was a Japanese author, poet, and lady-in-waiting who served the Empress Teishi (Sadako) around 1000 during the Heian period. She is the author of The Pillow Book (枕草子, makura no sōshi).



It is not known for certain what Sei Shōnagon's actual given name was.

It was common practice among the aristocracy to refer to a lady-in-waiting by a pet name derived from a court office held by her father or husband.

Sei is derived from Kiyohara, her father's family name (the native Japanese reading of the first character is kiyo, while the Sino-Japanese reading is sei).

It is believed that Shōnagon, meaning "lesser councilor of state", refers to a post. However, it is not known whether she held this post herself or if it was held by one of her relatives. Neither her father nor her husbands held such a post.

Bun'ei Tsunoda has suggested that it may have belonged to a husband, perhaps Fujiwara no Nobuyoshi.

Her actual name has been a topic of debate among scholars, and Kiyohara no Nagiko (清原 諾子) is one possibility.




Sei Shōnagon, illustration from an issue of Hyakunin Isshu (Edo period)


Early Life

We know about her early life only through her writings. She was the daughter of Kiyohara no Motosuke, a scholar and well-known waka poet, who worked as a provincial official.

Her grandfather, Kiyohara no Fukayabu, was also a waka poet. The family were middle-ranking courtiers who faced financial difficulties, likely because they were not granted a revenue-producing office.


She married Tachibana no Norimitsu at age 16 and gave birth to a son, Norinaga. In 993, at 27, when she began serving the Empress Teishi, consort of Emperor Ichijō, she may have been divorced.

After her court service ended, she may have married Fujiwara no Muneyo, governor of Settsu province, and had a daughter, Koma no Myobu. However, some evidence suggests that she may have become a Buddhist nun.


Hiroaki Sato suggests the intriguing possibility that Lady Sei and Norimitsu may not have actually been married but were merely close friends. Interestingly, courtiers teased them by calling him her "big brother" and her his "little sister."



Interestingly, Shōnagon rivalled her contemporary, Murasaki Shikibu, who authored The Tale of Genji and served Empress Shoshi, the second consort of Emperor Ichijō. In her diary, The Diary of Lady Murasaki, Shikibu provided a somewhat critical but respectful assessment of Shōnagon's literary talents.



Shōnagon gained popularity through her work, The Pillow Book, a compilation of lists, gossip, poetry, observations, and complaints composed during her time at the Imperial Court.

This genre, known as zuihitsu, blends various forms of writing.

Her essays provide a unique perspective on the daily life, customs, and affairs of the Imperial Court in Kyoto. Reportedly circulated at the court, The Pillow Book existed in handwritten manuscripts until it was printed in the 17th century.

Various versions are known, and scribes are believed to have altered the order of entries, with comments and passages added, edited, or deleted.

Modern scholars recognize four main variants; the Sankanbon and Nōinbon texts are considered the most complete and accurate.

The Sankanbon text is notably divided into 297 sections, with an additional 29 "supplemental" sections that may represent later additions by the author or copyists. Later editors added section numbers and divisions.


In The Pillow Book, Shōnagon writes about Empress Teishi’s disappointment after her father's death, following Fujiwara no Michinaga's elevation of his daughter Shōshi to empress alongside Teishi.

Given the risk of fire, the Imperial family resided outside the main Heian Palace structures, with Empress Teishi living in Chūgushiki, the "Bureau of Serving the (Middle) Empress.

" She moved to other residences as circumstances changed.

Shōnagon portrays court life with lightheartedness, often glossing over harsh realities such as Teishi's death from childbirth in 1000. Her writing, considered witty and detailed, offered a gossipy view of Teishi’s elegant court, reflecting the era’s preference for a subtler writing style.


Contemporaries at court regarded Shōnagon as having an excellent memory.

Her accounts detail various court events, often capturing precise details such as the attire worn, despite being written years after the events.

She was notably adept at recalling and quoting classic poems appropriate for the occasion, a highly valued skill in a court where mastery of the poetry canon was essential.


The entries in The Pillow Book on rhetoric cover conversation, preaching, and letter writing. Shōnagon advocates for the use of pure language and strict formalities in conversation, alongside vignettes that showcase witty repartee and sociable exchanges among the empress's ladies and between ladies and gentlemen.

Discussing preaching, she argues that preachers should be charismatic and well-trained, noting the importance of an attentive and respectful audience to prevent distractions, especially if the preacher lacks physical appeal.

Additionally, her guidance on letter writing includes tips on choosing the right paper, mastering calligraphy, and selecting appropriate gifts and bearers, underscoring the significance of letters as expressions of love.

Particularly, she pays close attention to "morning-after letters," a courtly custom following illicit liaisons.

The protocol required men to send poems on decorative paper with a flower or branch to the lady, who was expected to respond.

In her section "Things That Make One Nervous," Shōnagon explores this practice in detail.

One of her waka poems is also included as No. 62 in the renowned anthology Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.



We've included the main background events and listed names in Japanese order, with the family name first.


Sei Shōnagon was born in 966, but her mother's name remains unknown.

In 975, Princess Senshi (964–1035) became the Kamo High Priestess, a role she held until 1031.

Fujiwara Teishi, born in 977, was the daughter of Fujiwara Michitaka (b. 953) and Takashina Kishi (d. 996).

Fujiwara Senshi (962–1001), daughter of Fujiwara Kaneie, ascended as Empress of Emperor Enyū in 978.

Born to Emperor Enyū and Fujiwara Senshi in 980, Ichijō later succeeded his father.

In 984, Emperor Enyū retired, taking Buddhist orders and passing the throne to his eldest son, Kazan (968–1008).

Emperor Kazan followed his father’s steps by retiring and taking Buddhist orders in 986; Ichijō succeeded him.

By 990, Teishi had become High Consort to Emperor Ichijō, while her grandfather Fujiwara Kaneie became Chancellor.

The retired Emperor Enyū died in 991, the same year Empress Dowager Fujiwara Senshi took the tonsure.

By 993, Fujiwara Michitaka had become Chancellor. Around this time, it's believed that Sei Shōnagon joined Teishi's court.

It's also thought that in 994, Fujiwara Korechika (974–1010), Michitaka’s son, presented the paper for Sei Shōnagon's Pillow Book to Empress Teishi.

Chancellor Fujiwara Michitaka died in 995, with his brother and rival, Fujiwara Michinaga (966–1027), gaining more influence.

In 996, Teishi’s brothers, Korechika and Takaie (979–1044), might have attacked Retired Emperor Kazan. They were arrested and expelled from the capital. Minamoto Tsunefusa, the Governor of Ise, visited Sei Shōnagon and discovered the early draft of The Pillow Book, which he circulated. Teishi gave birth to Princess Shūshi.

Korechika and Takaie returned to the capital in 997.

In 999, a significant fire occurred at the Imperial Palace. Teishi gave birth to Prince Atsuyasu.

In 1000, Michinaga’s daughter Shōshi replaced Teishi as High Consort to Emperor Ichijō. Shortly thereafter, Teishi died two days after giving birth to Princess Kyōshi, prompting Sei Shōnagon to leave the court.

Emperor Ichijō died in 1011 and was succeeded by Sanjō.

The final known reference to Sei Shōnagon dates back to 1017.



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