

Lady Ise Ukon (poet)


Lady Ise


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Not to be confused with Ise no Taifu.


13th century Satake 36poets


Lady Ise (伊勢, c. 875 – 938), commonly referred to as Ise no Miyasudokoro, was a Japanese poet in the Imperial court's waka tradition.


She was born to Fujiwara no Tsugukage from Ise Province, first the lover of Prince Atsuyoshi, and subsequently a concubine to Emperor Uda, giving birth to Prince Yuki-Akari. She also had a daughter named Nakatsukasa with Prince Atsuyoshi.


Her poems were emblematic of the changing styles of the time, and 22 of them were included in the Kokin Wakashū. One of her poems was included in the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.











Draped upon the branches of a verdant willow,

The spring rain

Resembles strands of pearls.








Brief as the joints of reeds in Naniwa's marsh,

Are we destined to part this way,

Never to meet again? Is this your heart's plea?


Ise by Kanō Tan'yū, 1648




Ukon (poet)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ukon (右近) (c. 936-966) was a Japanese poet of the Heian period. She was also a lady-in-waiting to Lady Onshi, the wife of Emperor Daigo.



She was a member of the Fujiwara clan. Her father was Fujiwara no Suenawa, who held the position of Ukon no Shosho, a minor official position at the Japanese court.


The poet Ukon walking in a mist cove, Hyakunin isshu, compiled by the poet Fujiwara no Teika, 1162-1241.


Her life

She enjoyed a thirty-year career as a celebrated poet. In 933, she composed a poem for Princess Koshi's coming-of-age celebration. In 960 and 962, she participated in court poetry contests. In 966, she participated in a courtly poetry contest held in the garden.


She exchanged poems with Prince Motoyoshi, Fujiwara no Atsutada, Fujiwara no Morosuke, Fujiwara no Morouji, Fujiwara no Asatada, and Minamoto no Shitagō. Her name was included in the list of thirty-six immortal poets.



Her poems are included in the anthologies Hyakunin Isshu, Gosen Wakashū, and others.


Here is poem No. 38 from Hyakunin Isshu:


忘らるる 身をば思はず 誓ひてし 人の命の 惜しくもあるかな


I do not mourn my broken heart,

Nor do I resent fate;

But you, who have broken your solemn oaths,

I pray the gods may

Release you from your broken vow.


-Translated by William N. Porter, 1909


The Lady Ukon is said to have been abandoned by her husband, and in this poem, she expresses regret not so much for her own grief but because he has broken his vow, thereby incurring divine wrath.


Ukon, from Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.



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