

Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu, Akazome Emon, and others...

Murasaki Shikibu, Izumi Shikibu, and Akazome Emon—


These were the eloquent voices of romance during the most splendid era of court culture, the Heian period.





Literature by numerous women, such as "The Diary of Lady Murasaki," "The Pillow Book," and "The Tale of Genji," emerged, along with the compilation of successive imperial anthologies known as the "Hachidaishū," from the mid to late Heian period.

This era marked the pinnacle of courtly culture, where the importance of poetic talent among the nobility grew, prompting individuals to refine their skills.

Competitive poetry gatherings known as "utaawase" flourished at the court, providing ample opportunities to compose love poems on given themes.

Consequently, poetic craftsmanship became increasingly sophisticated, with a tendency towards theatricality.

Moreover, poems inspired by narratives became popular.

Representing the mid-Heian period as a master of romantic verse was Izumi Shikibu, who, having experienced numerous loves, was a pioneer in depicting realistic anguish.

The intricate rhythms born from these experiences are the legacy of this era.


『錦摺女三十六歌仙(すりにしきおんなさんじゅうろっかせん) 右大将道綱母』 葛飾北斎 江戸時代・19世紀 メトロポリタン美術館 ©The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Rogers Fund, 1918. JIB5


"Even if your shadow were to vanish, I'd still question, but alas, the water, now clouded with dust like pondweed, shows no sign."


Fujiwara no Michitsuna no Haha, "The Gossamer Journal" (975)



Fujiwara no Michitsuna no Haha became the wife of Fujiwara no Kaneie, bearing the Right General Michitsuna.

Their exchange turned into an argument, and Kanesuke, declaring his departure, left.

Several days later, upon seeing the basin he had used covered in floating dust, she composed this poem, where her dissatisfaction with Kanesuke is evident.


『錦摺女三十六歌仙 赤染衛門』 葛飾北斎 江戸時代・19世紀 メトロポリタン美術館 ©The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Rogers Fund, 1918. JIB5


"My house shows no sign of being a place where one waits, but if it were a grove of cedars, you would surely have come."


Akazome Emon, "The Collected Poems of Akazome Emon" (Mid-Heian Period)



Akazome Emon served Fujiwara no Michinaga's wife, Rinshi, and later Empress Shoshi.

She eventually married Oe no Masahira, a noted scholar. Reputed as a good wife and wise mother, Akazome Emon discovered that her husband, Oe no Masahira, was visiting a woman, the daughter of a priest at Fushimi Shrine.

She composed this poem and had it delivered to the woman directly.

Akazome Emon was well-connected, maintaining relationships with Sei Shonagon, Murasaki Shikibu, and Izumi Shikibu.


『錦摺女三十六歌仙 右近』 葛飾北斎 江戸時代・19世紀 メトロポリタン美術館 ©The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Rogers Fund, 1918. JIB5


"I no longer care if you forget me; I'm only concerned about the life of the one who vowed eternal love to me."


Ukon, "Shuishu Waka Collection" (1005)



Ukon served Empress Onshi of Emperor Daigo and was known for her romantic liaisons in the court.

She was active in poetry competitions and had her poems included in the "Hyakunin Isshu" anthology.

According to "The Tales of Yamato," this poem was sent to Fujiwara no Atsutada, who never replied.

The poem is filled with irony, expressing concern for the fate of the one who had vowed eternal love, fearing divine retribution.


『探幽/百人一首図 紫式部』 東京国立博物館 出典:ColBase (https://colbase.nich.go.jp)


"The beauty of the fully bloomed maiden flower, glistening with dew, truly reflects one's essence."


The Diary of Lady Murasaki" by Murasaki Shikibu (1010)



"glistening with dew" adds vividness to the imagery.

"reflects one's essence" simplifies the expression for clarity and ease of understanding.

In the exchange between Murasaki Shikibu and Fujiwara no Michinaga, their poetic banter reveals their playful affection.

Michinaga's response charmingly suggests that the beauty of the flower is a reflection of his own heart, showcasing their witty and affectionate bond.


『探幽/百人一首図 紫式部』 東京国立博物館 出典:ColBase (https://colbase.nich.go.jp)


"Though I may pass away as I am, before departing from this world, I yearn to see you once more, just one last time, amid the memories before I depart."


Izumi Shikibu, "Gosenshū Waka Collection" (1086)



Izumi Shikibu, married to Tachibana no Michisada, gave birth to a son, a chamberlain named Komparu no Naishi.

She received favor from Princes Tamesuke and Atsutaka, served Empress Shoshi, and then remarried Fujiwara no Yasumasa.

Izumi Shikibu, known for her many love affairs, expressed her burning passion even as death approached.

This poem reveals the unwavering ardor of a skilled poet of love, despite the proximity of death. It's not clear to whom she addressed this poem.


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